
So I will no longer be using this account, my friend might take it over, it's run its course for me ✌️


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I just don't understand why everybody be making promises that they different that they ain't gonna leave me and wait till I believe them and trust them and let them in to leave me. Every girl I catch feelings for always be talking me up when things start out, let me catch some heavy feelings before they turn me down or end things, I don't understand why so many people gotta lie to me. I don't understand why everyone gotta hurt a hurt heart and break a broken person worse than its already been. I just don't understand. Never thought I was such a horrible fucking person.... Guess I really am...


Thanks you for zee vote. ❤


Thx for the follow  @_Weezy120_


это сообщение может быть оскорбительным
"Sorry to everyone who has ever met me, sorry that I always fuck up, sorry that I'm not good at shit, sorry that I ever waisted your time, sorry that I ever asked for help, sorry that I'm not the best friend or person, sorry that I'm so fucked up that I fuck your life up, sorry that I waisted your time when you tell me things but they don't stick. So many say good things about me but I can't accept them cuz of my past and cuz of my present. I constantly completely fuck up and I'm sorry for it. I know none of you want to hear it nor will any of you read this but this is for all. I'm sorry to have ruined so much. All I try to do is help and make friends but it never seems to go well so I'm going to stop. I'm going to stop getting involved with anyone else's lives. I'll just be on my own as I basically already am. I'm sorry to you all but you all will forever be remembered and have a place in my heart. Each one of you have indeed helped me through something, helped me differently but definitely helped so thank you for that. And I'm sorry for all my mistakes and fuck-ups and if I could go back in time I would make it so we wouldn't meet to spare you all from me....
          I'll delete any and all accounts of mind in the near future so you don't have to worry about me bothering you anymore"



watch Christ let you suffer. XD nvm i'm not going to explain my beliefs lol.


Hey there..hw r u#..thankuu fr following me. #.