
This last part is taking a bit longer than I thought it would to write. I’ve been working on it for about 7 hours now. It will be going out tonight though!


@_Wh0re4H0rr0r_ Thanks! I will go read it right now. 


@_Wh0re4H0rr0r_ It's okay, Take your time. 


Hi sorry to bother you again but is everythng ok? Are you alright?


Sorry for the late response, but I’m doing okay! Just been super busy with school and working two jobs. I’ve been jumping back into writing in my free time, so within the next week, the Deadpool story will be fully finished :)


Hey we haven't talked in a while. How are you doing? 


I'm doing good. Getting by here and there. I'm so glad that everything turned out perfectly. I'll keep an eye out for your future work. 


@LaurenHerzog8  I am doing so good!! The move went well, and work is good too. I should be able to get back to writing in the next few days, so that’s exciting! How are you? :)


Hey just checking up on you again. I'm sorry if I'm being too much. I just wanted to see how you've been. I hope you are having a wonderful time lately. Remember to drink water and stay safe!


I’m doing great! I’m going to be moving across the country in less than a week, so it’s been a bit stressful, but I should be able to get back to writing soon. I hope you’re doing great too. I really appreciate you checking in :)


Hey I just wanted to see how you're doing. 


@LaurenHerzog8 You’re literally the sweetest :’) I’m also here if you need someone to talk to!


@_Wh0re4H0rr0r_ Oh I'm great! Congrats on the new job and being in college. I hope everything turns out alright for you. Good luck at your new job and in college! Remember to drink water and stay safe! If you ever need someone to talk to, I'm always available. Don't worry, take your time on the books, working and education always comes first and is #1 before anything else, so I understand. 


Hi! I’m doing great! I got a new job and am now juggling both that and college, so Maneater 2 and other books will take a little bit of time to come out. Thank you so much for checking in by the way! I hope you’re doing great too! :)


I just read the last chapter and can I just say....I DID NOT EXPECT THAT BIG CHANGE But I absolutely loved it...does this mean that you went back to the previous chapters and changed how they go or are they still the same and it just goes differently for this ending of the first movie book? 


‘Baby Hands & Mercs & Guns, Oh My!’ Is the only chapter that is getting changed. That was the detail that I wrote about in the a/n. So, that entire chapter will remain the same, save for that one detail, which is only two scenes. Other than that, the other chapters will have smaller changes like wording/grammar. I’m glad you liked it! Thanks for reading :)


This last part is taking a bit longer than I thought it would to write. I’ve been working on it for about 7 hours now. It will be going out tonight though!


@_Wh0re4H0rr0r_ Thanks! I will go read it right now. 


@_Wh0re4H0rr0r_ It's okay, Take your time. 


The last/second to last chapter of Maneater is not going to be released today. I’ve been preparing for an interview and haven’t had any time to write. It will come out either Tuesday or Wednesday. Sorry about that! :(


@LaurenHerzog8 Thank you so much! :)


@_Wh0re4H0rr0r_ That's fine. Good luck on that interview! 