
Hello my lovely butterflies. I know my return has been long overdue, but I am back. So my first story More Than A One Nightstand we deleted some how but I found a way to recover the story so please vote and comment on it. I will be uploading it today, chapter by chapter so please be patient with me, but I will have majority of the book out today.


Hello my lovely butterflies. I know my return has been long overdue, but I am back. So my first story More Than A One Nightstand we deleted some how but I found a way to recover the story so please vote and comment on it. I will be uploading it today, chapter by chapter so please be patient with me, but I will have majority of the book out today.


I don't know what is going on but my story More Than a One Night Stand is missing and I can't find it anywhere. It is as if it never existed. If any of you guys see it on my page of in your reading lists please notify my ASAP I'm worried that I got hacked or Wattpad is just being a bitch to me. This really just ruined my day.


@elaysiannn thank you if anything changes can you let me know?


Its still in my library & i can still click and read it


Hey my lovely butterflies,
          I am currently working on my sequels so be patient but in the meantime I want to thank every last on of you for supporting my stories no matter how many mistakes I had throughout the books. Also I would hope for you all to give my new stories a chance it won't hurt to click that gorgeous star button, I might just update sooner than you think.


Yessssss hunni you got to make it into a series. This book is so goood. But listen ni i know you gonna put nichole and darius back together. Pleassssseeeeeee you just have to and she better keep that baby. Wth wrong with her? But hunni continue to do your thang your thang you are very talented and blessed.


@MacRabb2002  i really agree with you