
im rly busy this week but since i have a long weekend off, ill try to write some more chapters. editting and finding pictures are rly hard lol


What happened to your Kkura book, Author?


@__ANS_  ohhh I see. Then I’ll wait patiently for it to be back. thank you author and good luck!


@KeelahSpectre i unpublished it to revise a lot of things... i wanna fix a lot of things and didn't wanna continuously spam notification boxes


R u good author????


@__ANS_ Thats Great! Although i dont see the updates even if it says that there are new chapters


@jamestiangc0 yes im good! i posted a new chapter to the sakura ff if thats what ur wondering :)


idk if anyone will see this but it will take a long time to finish the mini arc for the sakura story since it takes me a lot of rewatches of each episode of in the soop to write each chapter. should be able to get part 1 of 4 out tmrw