
So I think that TikTok has shut down for some people, it did for me. But anyways I wanted to tell this to my followers.


@__Goth__ PASTE✨️THIS✨️ON✨️THE ✨️ TEN✨️
          	  NICEST ✨️PEOPLE'S ✨️ PROFILES✨️AND✨️IF✨️YOU ✨️ GET✨️
          	  TEN ✨️ BACK ✨️ YOU ✨️ARE✨️
          	  SPECIAL✨️ <3


So I think that TikTok has shut down for some people, it did for me. But anyways I wanted to tell this to my followers.


@__Goth__ PASTE✨️THIS✨️ON✨️THE ✨️ TEN✨️
            NICEST ✨️PEOPLE'S ✨️ PROFILES✨️AND✨️IF✨️YOU ✨️ GET✨️
            TEN ✨️ BACK ✨️ YOU ✨️ARE✨️
            SPECIAL✨️ <3


Happy New Years!!! I hope everyone is doing all good, and hope this year will be better than the last and to make new memories!! Everyone may be down cause of this covid, but I have faith that this will surpass us.


Who all came from youtube and wants to talk about it?  Remember this happen in 2018 XD If you wanna talk about it I will be here for that. I think its 2018.


@ralovethetrashroyal Hope your doing all good uwu


          So idk if you guys don’t like gacha life but I found a channel that has copyrighted videos, if we could copy strike the videos that are others it could be taken down. But only if it happens. Idk if we all like the bad side of YouTube but I could make a book of how many channels there are. So if you wanna do this or not, they got one taken down that was another’s channels video.
          Channel link: https://www.youtube.com/user/warfaceivanichev


Hey. I remember you. We used to chat all the time, during the first stretch of time I was on wattpad. I know we're not as familiar right now, but I wanted to say I'll always be here if you want to talk❤️