
I feel like my life is becoming too Wattpad-coded. Idk what to think of this. A rich guy saw me by chance at his sister's wedding and somehow both he and his mother liked me. An arranged marriage trope with no 'love' involved. The first time I rejected them but somehow they're back to the story. Lol idk the outcome yet. It's yet to happen.


@a_purple_girl Lol truee. I agree. And about update...they're coming this Friday so...let's see what happens.


@__MidKnightJuliet__  I don't see a problem with that... we never know how someone is just from their first appearance anyways so they should be ready to know other sides of you too lmao


[Sugar's love spam]
          You're full of spring? ❎️
          The spring is full of you! ✅️
          What can't you do? If the spring resides in your heart, each of your breath feels like a literal breeze of serenity. Every word you speak out makes the flowers bloom with joy and every step you take brings you closer to the garden of hope. Where possibilities breed and determination has its roots deep within the soil. The tree of success stands tall because of it. Because of what? Spring! And the spring is full of you. You're still full of spring! Go for it! Everything is in the palm of your hand!


I feel like my life is becoming too Wattpad-coded. Idk what to think of this. A rich guy saw me by chance at his sister's wedding and somehow both he and his mother liked me. An arranged marriage trope with no 'love' involved. The first time I rejected them but somehow they're back to the story. Lol idk the outcome yet. It's yet to happen.


@a_purple_girl Lol truee. I agree. And about update...they're coming this Friday so...let's see what happens.


@__MidKnightJuliet__  I don't see a problem with that... we never know how someone is just from their first appearance anyways so they should be ready to know other sides of you too lmao


I realized a very odd thing. I love to feel pain. I don't know if it's craziness or something else entirely. But the pain of one-sided love is kinda addictive. I want to feel it. But the problem is...strangely I never actually found anyone attractive. (As is no one ever got my attention romantically.)  I mean crushes are fine but no one ever had a strong impression on me.
          And now I don't even get crushes. I get confused sometimes tho. I confuse admiration with romantic feelings. It's stupid I know. But after that person (I admire) is either gone or I low-key tell them that I am interested in them (I do that with no intention of actually getting involved with them romantially but to get over that feeling altogether.) after the confession I immediately realize I don't really like them that way. I am confused tbh.
          I remember I liked someone once and that was when I was 16. But now that I realize...it didn't hurt at all when he rejected me. So I guess I misunderstood my feelings. I don't even know anymore. I am not 'anti-romantic'. But I...don't know lol


@__MidKnightJuliet__  this is complicated... I mean for me. Idk what to say.. I don't understand all these much either TT
            And I never confessed cuz I always reject myself before they can do it ☠️ so idk
            Plus there's only one time that I've felt... real crush others were just eye candies  but idk how it will end, I still have yet to find out


Happy birthday!!




@a_purple_girl What a surprise.
            Thank you very much <333


You must have told me before, I had it in my calendar 