
did anyone see the new "ends of love" cover?
          	cover credits: sarooshsm


@__Miss_Fantasy__ I did & I must say it's awesome BarakAllahu Feek.❤️


Life was never meant to be an easy ride. It was never meant to be a smooth sail. The journey in this dunya is expected to be rocky. The personal battles, the struggles, the hardships, the falls are all part of the tests of this dunya. But know, that they too will pass. For light always follows darkness and ease always enter with hardship, followed by another ease, and anticipated rewards. For did you not hear the words of Allah? ‘Verily, with hardship is ease’? So keep pushing forward, keep walking even if you can’t see an open door, because Al-Fattah will provide for you from where you didn’t imagine in ways you never expected, through doors you thought were tightly locked. Your key is patience. Your ultimate weapon is Dua. And your strength is in Sujood. Your comfort is in Qur’an, and your ease is in His remembrance. For indeed in His remembrance do hearts find true rest and tranquility. ❤


Assalamualaikum/ hey!
          If you are someone who love to hide their face behind the book which contains mysterious stuff with a touch of spirituality to connect you to the characters in a deeper way, then check out my new book.
          'A Mazed Heart' contains a mysterious plot, thrilling tale and a lot of suspense to indulge in. 
          If you love the Mystery/Thriller genre, then check out this book.
          It's also a spiritual book focusing mainly on spirituality from varied dimensions. Check out this book if you are intrigued by this genre.
          Attaching the link of AMH below. 
          And yeah, don't forget to leave your thoughts. It is the only prize and price an author gets for all of his hardwork :)


Jiski khushboo se mehakti hain hawaye,
          Kyu na aaj hum aapko wo chai pilaye 
          *virtual chaiii hehe (⁠^⁠~⁠^)ゞ


you're welcome ❤️