Twinkle twinkle little hoe, name the guys you didn't blow, Up on a bed side up so high oops I see jiz in your eyes. You think your cute, you think your classy but stupid bitch your just plain nasty
@my_lovely_1D if you want you can talk to me. I know that life is shit at times mine is right now but I don't want you to get hurt or hit by a bus. ily!!!
I'm so fucking done!! With my family, with my "friends" with every fucking thing. I'm tired of holding back. I'm tired of pleasing everyone else and not myself. Why don't I die? Why couldn't I have gotten hit by a bus or something?
"REPOST THIS AND SEE WHAT PEOPLE RATE YOU!!!! (1) Crazy (2) I'd marry you (3) I'd date you (4) Sarcastic (5) I miss you (6) I'd kiss you (7) Beautiful (8) Smart (9) Imaginative (10) Random (11) Jerk (12) Funny (13) Awesome (14) Amazing (15) Tough (16) Cute (17) I'd hit you with a bus (18) I love you (19) Weirdo (20) Friends forever (21) Marry me? (22) You're mine! (23) I never want to lose...