No prob!! The truth is, I haven't gotten to reading your stories. I'll start now though, you'll see my comments. I don't leave a single book I read un-commented XD
Hey guys!!! I AM REALLY EXCITED ABOUT MY NEW FANFIC "Mates with a dragon"!!! I would REEEAAALLLYYY appreciate it if take a peek!!! Thanks friends!!!! :3
I am watching jacksepticeye play a horror game called deep down in space and there was just a really big jump scare. MY NIPPLES ARE HARD BECAUSE OF RHE FÛCKING TENTICLE BÎTCH!!!
I just started watching Hetalia, and I am up to episode 8.....ITS PAINFULLY OBVIOUS THAT GERMANY HAS A THING FOR NORTH ITALY!!!! THE TITLE IS EVEN "CLUELESS ITALY" (I think) (I ment Hetalia means clueless Italy"