(important, please read) 
           - Hello everyone! I've been reading some haikyuu fics and have been seeing some memes, and wanted to talk about something that has been in my mind for some time. This is my opinion, so please don't get hurt by this. 
           I've heard about the Kenma and feminization theory going around. 
           It's been said that Kenma hates pink, and hates being feminine. This ofcourse has never been confirmed anywhere, it's a rumor that was made up. In fact he has been shown wearing a pink scarf. The theory is harmful to masc people who like to wear feminine clothing, because it is baisically saying we can't be real men unless we wear masc clothing. 
           Instead of talking about how wrong it is to draw Kenma in a skirt, we should be talking about the ranpant fetishization of mlm relationships in the fandom, such as reducing Kenma to a bottom or calling Suga the "mom". 
          These tropes are harmful to mlm, because this promotes heteronomativity (the smaller, more "fragile" one being the woman in the relationship.) Wich is wrong. 
          These feminized characters are multidimensional, and should be treated like any other character in the show. 
           Most of the info in this belongs to @ lightupheelies on tiktok. Again this is my opinion, and I think we should talk more about these problems in other fandoms and in general. 


Tho you can ship characters together. Just don't make it toxic, like shipping siblings or obvious rivals who despise eachother with passion. 


@sskrtsienna I'm glad pepole are thinking abt these kind of things :) 


@RINGONOE I agree! I've seen far too many people fetishing mlm relationships and sometimes it doesn't make them feel like human if it's like that but in anime fandoms there's no way to stop it like if too characters are bestfriends and are male's they'll immediately go to the idea that they're gay for each other it isn't wrong but it constantly pops up and eventually the whole fandom becomes toxic and start fighting about ships,then some shippers talk about whose the bottom or top in the relationship,i also believe that not a lot of 2d characters are treated normally in any way. ://


          -Hi! I'm just dropping my pronouns here!
          My pronouns are he/they! You can send me a private message if you have any questons!
          PS. I'm on a winter brake so there might be more books or updates coming soon!