I’ll keep this short, because the announcement I had written before this couldn’t post because it was too long, and the now wasted three minutes I spent writing it is all gone....
SO! For current and not-so-current readers of my book ten will notice that only the first chapter is visible. That is because I am essentially rewriting the book. As I’ve grown and progressed with this book, new abs better ideas have come up, and I simply don’t want to continue the original path I had for ten. DONT WORRY! The character names and arches will stay the same (except for the few name changes such as Lance, Hideo, Jaimie, etc) and the overall plot of ten (virus and post-apocalyptic atmosphere) will also stay relatively the same, I’m just adding more to the bigger picture of the book.
1. Will be set in a more fictional world, and not one that is similar to earth. There will be no more United Kingdom that they live in, it will be an entirely different made-up country.
2. As of right now goes, will be a trilogy unless the plot thickens and calls for more books.
3. Will have fantasy elements, a path I had originally wanted to take but was too scared to then.
I understand that it’s generally not a good idea to change the plot after spending so much time planning a book, but quite honestly, I think Ten needs it. And since I’m essentially rewriting chapter 1 and on, I don’t think it’ll be too bad.