This is me officially thanking you for following, reading, all the amazing comments, and the beautiful trail of happy little stars you left in your wake through Who She Thought She Was. I'm so glad you enjoyed the roller coaster. Have a fantastic weekend!
I really did enjoy it, so I'm thanking you for writing such amazing story. I'll probably check your other stories too, I have no doubt that they'll be great as well.
Have a nice day.
Hey ema!
Could you please check out my story "the fairy tale of the villains ", it's a twist on the Snow White tale, your comments on it will be invaluable!
Thank you for your time!
sori sto smetam ali zeljela bih te pitati bi li bacila pogled na moju novu kratku pricu Vremenski putnik? Ima jedno poglavlje i zavrsena je pa bi stvarno jako znacilo da mi kazes sto mislis o njoj ako hoces naravno :)