
Next update of IIW will release tomorrow. Thx for being patient! Xoxo


Bunny, if you would let me, I want to write a short little book using your idea of Mo Yuan taking Bai Qian away from Ye Hua.  Only with your permission though!


@Moparmama66 I apologize but I don't speak your language. 


@Moparmama66 hola escribiste siempre la historia q querías sobre mo yuan y baiquian?


FYI I swear I didn't drop off the face of the earth again. Still working on the next update of Ink in Water.  I wrote it, and then I didn't like a part of it, and now I gotta fix it... anyway, that will be the task for this weekend, and it'll be done soonish!


@KhanhHaPham6 haha, yes, I'm trying to work on communicating better. Thanks for being patient!


Thanks for reassuring us impatient readers! It’s like you read our minds. 


          Just me, dusting off the ol' Wattpad account. I'm kind of back in business, I think. Just wrote a chapter or two of Ink in Water (currently pending edits) and thought I'd update you guys... whoever's still around. It picks right back up where we left off last time! Will likely publish sometime later this week. If you wanna hop back on the MYBQ train, I highly recommend reading the last 3 or so chapters for homework. 
          Stay tuned! See ya soon! 
          PS: is anyone watching Love and Destiny? Cuz you should. It's great. I'm obsessed. K-bye!


@____bunny____ L&D is a good movie for the effects..... theres some pretty cool effects in it actually which I liked, and its less digitally saturated backgrounds make it more real.   This is only the second chinese drama I have watched to the end other than tmopb....  so the comparisons are rather big.  There are some similar scenes and dialogue which was annoying, because I do not see it as an offshoot or even related to tmopbs, but I do like the main actors ... sorry forgot their real names lol....  I actually like this new god of war and the humour which is nice too..... only there are scenes of the G.O.W which I find ungodly, but then again I cant help but compare him to Mo Yuan who is still #1 G.O.W for me.   As for the female lead, she starts off super damn annoying lol....  I do not dig weak scatter brained female leads who spend most of their time on their knees....  this is actually the major thing I hate about most Chinese dramas, the male leads tend to be surrounded by females on their knees....  she makes up for though.... but I wont spoil it....
            All in all, a good movie, but like it more for the effects than the storyline/s which are pretty predictable...  tmopbs is still my 1 :-)


@____bunny____ Both Chang Chen and Ni Ni are great! She is certainly a better actress than Yang Mi. I love Chang Chen’s expressions and the playful/petty qualities he brings to the character, although Mark is still #1 for me.
            It’s great to have a person to watch with. There’s nothing like laughing at the same moments or getting kissed off at a certain character together Yuan Tong) or reaching for the FF button at the filler scenes at the same time (all of the ones with Qing Yao’s brother) to make the whole experience fun.


@moosesforgooses Mooses! That's so exciting that you're starting an original. I think that's a terrific idea. Although I'll be sad to see you leave the 3310 fandom, you've been like the most active one out of all of us! 
            About L&D, there were definitely parts of it where I felt like the writing could have been better, but honestly, it's been better than Peaches to me. I'm mostly hooked because of the acting, it's such a refreshing balance as opposed to Mark having had to carry the entire show back then (don't get me started on Yang Mi). I shouldn't talk to much crap about Peaches though, in the end it did give me Moyuan <3


HI Bunny will you be writing a part 2 of "This is between us" in Peach Blossom Dreams? I really would like to read more of this story.


Hi @Cabaysmom! Thanks for reading! I'm really not sure if I'll ever get around to writing a part 2 to TIBU, at least not anytime soon, I'm sorry... At the moment I'm on a writing hiatus indefinitely to apply to grad school so it may be months before I have any real time to devote to writing again :(


Hello my little doves, guess what I have for you??? It's not another chapter of IIW.......... but I did write a MYBQ one-shot.  It's angsty and it's kinda dark, but it's got lots of steam. And if you're fans of IIW, you know how slow I'm moving in that department. 
          The one-shot will be published in @sunintaurus's Peach Blossom Dreams anthology of 3310 shorts, sometime later today: https://www.wattpad.com/story/169583446-peach-blossom-dreams.
          As always, hit me with your thoughts! 


My dearest readers (whoever's hanging on)... I swear I haven't abandoned this story, but school has been kicking my rear-end this term, making me work full time. I can't decide if it's that all of my classes are harder because it's my last year, or because I'm having senioritis! Anyhow, at this point, I don't think I'll be able to update until finals are over in 2 weeks. *ducks from rocks and tomatoes*


@KakashiSensei4444  Sensei! You came all the way over on this side of the internet to wish me good luck? :D Thanks!


@____bunny____ I'm expecting straight As! Good luck!!!!!


Submitted the next chapter for editing! Should be up within the next few days. Hope everyone's having a cozy fall. I'm a little sicky bunny and have to take exams this week, womp womp womp~


Thanks Mooses! Ah, I forget that the seasons don't align... Happy spring across the pond :D


@____bunny____ take care of your health bunny, it is mid spring, and so hot already......  :-D


Yeah can’t wait 