@____bunny____ L&D is a good movie for the effects..... theres some pretty cool effects in it actually which I liked, and its less digitally saturated backgrounds make it more real. This is only the second chinese drama I have watched to the end other than tmopb.... so the comparisons are rather big. There are some similar scenes and dialogue which was annoying, because I do not see it as an offshoot or even related to tmopbs, but I do like the main actors ... sorry forgot their real names lol.... I actually like this new god of war and the humour which is nice too..... only there are scenes of the G.O.W which I find ungodly, but then again I cant help but compare him to Mo Yuan who is still #1 G.O.W for me. As for the female lead, she starts off super damn annoying lol.... I do not dig weak scatter brained female leads who spend most of their time on their knees.... this is actually the major thing I hate about most Chinese dramas, the male leads tend to be surrounded by females on their knees.... she makes up for though.... but I wont spoil it....
All in all, a good movie, but like it more for the effects than the storyline/s which are pretty predictable... tmopbs is still my 1 :-)