Hey grazie per il follow >.<

@ 1tipaacaso Felice d aver attirato la tua attenzione...che poi sia bene o in male passa in secondo piano hahaa

"WHY DO GOOOOD GIRLS LIKE BAAAAAAAD BOYS!??" heh, sorry I have never related to a bio so hard. Just had to insert the meme. Welcome to Wattpad. I am also relatively new (like 2 month infant new). Hope you find some good stories :)

And I think is normal that when you were 7 you used to read fairy tales, If I don't remember badly I stopped reading them around that age

Well rn I still read books like percy jackson and Harry Potter, but I love romantic books. Plus around a year ago I used to love reading sherlock Holmes

@Eevie28 well yes I am a huge fan of Percy jackson, and yes I do ship will and nico. But in my class almost no one knows the book ♀️