
Check in guys, gals, and non-binary pals!
          	How are you?


@Clove_queen I'm glad that the stress is over, if you can try and take a chill day. I don't know how periods work but I'm sure if stress is the problem remove the stress and you okay


I’m a little slow in the brain and still trying to process that I am no longer in school, I have no assignments due tomorrow and whatever I did have missing is not my problem anymore. I think the stress is what messed up my period cycle cause I’m pretty sure I’m still a virgin


Check in guys, gals, and non-binary pals!
          How are you?


@Clove_queen I'm glad that the stress is over, if you can try and take a chill day. I don't know how periods work but I'm sure if stress is the problem remove the stress and you okay


I’m a little slow in the brain and still trying to process that I am no longer in school, I have no assignments due tomorrow and whatever I did have missing is not my problem anymore. I think the stress is what messed up my period cycle cause I’m pretty sure I’m still a virgin


Hi. How u doin


@Sorainhere I'm sorry Sora  I accidentally deleted your messages while trying to reply


@____fallen___ I only have one author in my library that post regularly, I have 287 books


          Describe your 
          With 1 anime character each and let others decide which anime characters they think you are
          Me first
          Looks: Porco gilliard(but with black hair xD) 
          Personality: shisui uchiha 
          Decide what you think of mine and your turn! 


            What i mean by that is i dont yell 24/7


            Huh... tanaka but quieter... abit confusing-