Sneak peak at my story...
"What about him,"
Ali said for the fifth time that day. Ali was Faith's best friend, and they were currently walking down the sidewalk in the pouring rain, Ali pointing out boys and Faith telling her her thoughts. "Oh Ali, I'm done. This is boring."
"No seriously! I think he keeps looking at you!"
"What?" Faith turned slightly, moving her head to the right. He was. It was a boy who looked to be about 16 or so, staring her down. She glared at him but he seemed to not notice, as if he was looking right through her.
A screeching sound halted her thoughts. A sleek black car was spinning out of control, heading for a pole... The pole right beside her.
I still need a name for my story so random suggestions are appreciated. I have a bit more I didn't include and if you'd like to see them send me a message. Thanks! :)