
I suggest that all you twisted perverts stalking children on this site to take note. This mom is really angry and will go to great lengths to send the police knocking on your door to put you where you. Delong. Sick perverted losers' All you kids on here  your parents will be notified.


@___arachnidsGrip___  I'm literally 11 and have never met a pervert on this website, stop trying to protect your child like this and let them do their own thing it's not like some 40 year old man is asking your child for nudes. seriously, get help your child is perfectly safe here.


@___arachnidsGrip___ please get help Angie’s mom get some real help please 


this message may be offensive
I want to sincerely apologize for the sick disgusting shit my mother said years ago. If I could do anything about it I would. For anyone that had to see that I hope you’re okay and safe. I can’t believe how horrible of a person she could be. And if you’re wondering, yes I’m okay. I’m almost an adult now so I won’t be in her custody much longer. Yes she’s still as bad as she was years ago, but I’ve learned to handle it.


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Holy shit guys it’s been years lmao. So uh I’m the person that ran this acc. I was like twelve I’m sixteen now. Updates: I’m transmasc now. I’ve had some crazy traumatic problems with my mom. I have new socials:
          Insta: joeymioike
          Discord: ugh_ike
          Tiktok: copki11er_ike


;; not everyone are perverts ;-;
          pLeaSE sToPー


@deathaddiction I wonder what is going to happen to angie will he or she even come back? Or did his or her mom made him or her delete wattpad?


@deathaddiction yeah, that's not them! angie's mom took her phone and found wattpad ;-;
            she thinks everyone following angie is a pedo of some sort even though most of us are in fact 12/13


@deathaddiction ///thx... /._.\  i really miss arachy...she is one of my best friends here on wattpad ;-;...///


I suggest that all you twisted perverts stalking children on this site to take note. This mom is really angry and will go to great lengths to send the police knocking on your door to put you where you. Delong. Sick perverted losers' All you kids on here  your parents will be notified.


@___arachnidsGrip___  I'm literally 11 and have never met a pervert on this website, stop trying to protect your child like this and let them do their own thing it's not like some 40 year old man is asking your child for nudes. seriously, get help your child is perfectly safe here.


@___arachnidsGrip___ please get help Angie’s mom get some real help please 


I'll tell you what's up you freaks. This is her mom, that's what's up! Get a life and straighten up your messed up lives! Leave little kids alone and find someone your own age. Got any and all kids on here, I hope your parents find out how you've been spending  your time like I found out. No. My child will not be talking to you freaks anymore. Get off your lazy asses and find something  productive to do with your lives besides opening yourselves up to perverts and predators on these types of sites.


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I wish I had fucking access to my old acc bc I would delete my moms disgusting messages if I could! 


            again i'm 11 and you need mental help, your child is going to grow up and be pissed at you for constantly watching over their shoulder.


@___arachnidsGrip___ also how does someone saying bruh make them a pedo? 


"lmmao wassup riska erket >:>"


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@___arachnidsGrip___  shut the fuck up none of us are perverts.


excuse me but im not a damn pedo, if i were one, i would  stalk your kid. am i?? no. so-


@T34LJU5T1C3 Leave these little kids alone you sick pervert! I've turned you in by the way.