Okay. Stupid me shouldn't be messaging at 1am, lol. You see your profile pic in the orange bar? Hover over it and then click on 'Settings'. In there you've got your big profile pic and then underneath there's a small picture, or box if it's empty and it should say 'background'. Now click 'change' and upload a picture from your computer. It will tell you what sizes and what formats it accepts when you click the button. Then wait a minute for the image to load. If it's too big or not the right format it won't, so try something small to start with and then go for the one you really want. When you're done, it will change automatically. If you don't like how it looks, change it again. I had to do two or three uploads for my new background because I had different versions and some of them cut off the pictures when I didn't want them to. Good luck and let me know how you get on. If you need any more help, just ask. xx