Hi guys, I need some advice. Should I mark my Adopt Me guide as complete or keep updating it? I don't think there are a lot of people coming to Wattpad to read about Adopt Me, so that's why I'm kind of thinking about discontinuing the guide.
@CustardBurst a dusty trip is a seperate roblox game, recently it’s been having a lot of big updates and (this is what a friend told me) around 7M players in the game.
Hay, long time no see! Can I ask you a question? Can you tell me what my ride skele-rex is worth? Do you know what I can get with it? Sorry for the sudden question, and thanks for your time! :D
I traded Neon Dingo and Ride Koala for Neon ride Shiba Inu.
I don't think its the best trade but i love shiba inus and i did it.
What do you think?
Ty :_)
@immunecellXD I think that's a good trade! Neon dingo is only an uncommon, and it is limited, but you only added a koala. In my opinion, I think that's a pretty good trade.