Hey! I love your story, it's PAWSOME... You really kept me curious and at the edge of my seat. I can't wait to see what's next. Great job with this story!
Reading List
Chapter 32... Holy moly first time posting in this hour (I'm writing this at 5.10 PM my time). I'mma work on the next one I suppose ^^;. Also if I were to make a one shot compilation, would you like to see the off-shoots of this story? Maybe an alternate time line where the story choose the opposite route or maybe some prequels and such? What do you think? Also I just realized I got 15k+ reads already... I can't believe I got that number... Thank you so much for the endless support!! I'll try my best to bring you all stories for you to enjoy!! I hope you enjoy this chapter!! Sincerely, Ree
@__amour_riza__ Hi! Do you still write stories here? I really love your story, and I can’t wait to see what happens next in your story ^^
Hey! I love your story, it's PAWSOME... You really kept me curious and at the edge of my seat. I can't wait to see what's next. Great job with this story!
Chapter 32... Holy moly first time posting in this hour (I'm writing this at 5.10 PM my time). I'mma work on the next one I suppose ^^;. Also if I were to make a one shot compilation, would you like to see the off-shoots of this story? Maybe an alternate time line where the story choose the opposite route or maybe some prequels and such? What do you think? Also I just realized I got 15k+ reads already... I can't believe I got that number... Thank you so much for the endless support!! I'll try my best to bring you all stories for you to enjoy!! I hope you enjoy this chapter!! Sincerely, Ree
@__amour_riza__ Hi! Do you still write stories here? I really love your story, and I can’t wait to see what happens next in your story ^^
Chapter 31 done!! I'm not gonna jinx it... Finally starting to touch the trials!! I honestly can't wait to write the next ones because I have some interesting ideas ^^; Also I'm wondering... What's your favorite chapter so far? I'm really curious to know!! It may or may not change some aspects to the story? But not plot wise I think ^^;. Please leave your favorite chapters down below!! Again thank you so much for the votes and reads!! I truly appreciate it!! I hope you like this chapter too!! Sincerely, Ree
@__amour_riza__ my favourite chapters were the ones with Katie's conflict, specifically the ones where she was left heartbroken ♡
@__amour_riza__ my favorite has to be the angst chapters, idk why i just really like it :), also thank you for your hard work, stay safe :D
Back again with Chapter 30!! Can't believe I've wrote 45k+ words for this story ^^; (I wrote 1.5k words minimum per chapter). Also thank you so much for the reads and votes!! I can't thank you all enough for all the support you've given to me!! Added a claustrophobic trait to Chase ^^;. I'm trying to not portray complete perfection for the characters thus I add in some traits that do flawed them. But for me, flaws are the things that makes us special so please don't take this the wrong way ^^;. I hope you like this one and I can't say when I'll upload again, but I'll try my best!! Sincerely, Ree
Hello again... Logging in after 4 months of no activity... Life isn't being too good with me ^^;. I'm on my last year of senior high school and there's a ton of work to do in front of me, but I left some time out to write down the 29th chapter of this story... After a bit of thinking, I've decided to accelerate and turn this story a bit darker than my original thought. This story probably will meet it's end in chapter 45 or so ^^; I may extend a bit but I can't promise it ^^;. A sequel will be coming tho!! I've noted the main plot of the story and I'm going to work on it as soon as I'm done with this one ^^. Please stay tuned!! Sincerely, Ree
@__amour_riza__ i live how you write these stories, it's so well written and the plot is just *chef's kiss* i hope your doing better, and stay safe :D
@__amour_riza__ Take your time, highschool can be stressfull! Can't wait for the update!
Firstly, if you saw that I updated earlier, incredibly sorry for the mishap ^^;. The chapter was published before I got to finish it because I accidentally pressed publish ^^;. At least I managed to finish this before sleeping :'). I'm going to give a bit of explanation. I'm currently carving the story arc for the main human characters. I've been using flashbacks to fill the holes of their pasts. I'll fit in the pups' story arcs, but I'm currently focusing on the humans first ^^. And finally a question for you guys to theorize!! What nanomite upgrade that scared Nat at the end of the chapter? Please comment down below!! Also thank you so much for 12k reads and nearly 400 votes!! This means so much to me and I'm so glad that you all are enjoying the story so far!! I'm gonna take a few days off so I don't burn myself out and produce non-polished stories... Until then, feel free to theorize on how it's going to go next!! See you all in the next update!! Sincerely, Ree
Chapter 27 I tried to write 1.5k words minimum per chapter, so there's at least 40.5k words in my book atm and I even planned to extend this story a bit to fully finish the characters' story arc. Also I think I found a good balance between drawing and writing!! I don't know how long this will last me, but we'll see ^^ Also the last few paragraphs may seem like I'm adding a new character... But in reality, that character is already mentioned (I forgot in which chapter but I'll still let you all theorize on who ^^). I hope you enjoy this chapter!! All comments, votes, and read are appreciated!! See you in the next update!! Sincerely, Ree
My writing juices are at its peak... Maybe because of stress... (other than drawing, I write to cope with stress). But I can say that this chapter is the most important one since it connects my literature creations with my artworks in one connected universe! I've revealed the name in my Discord server but I'll announce it publicly in another story. Also thank you so much for 11k+ reads!! I couldn't believe that I'll get 10 times of what I got usually and I can't stop thanking all of you for voting and reading my story! It truly means a lot. As always, I hope you enjoy this chapter!! Sincerely, Ree
@Ivory_XII if you're struggling with the link, you can click the link on my bio ^^
Idk why I felt like writing today... And I don't know why it got to be this late... Welp- at least I'm getting more productive ^^; Also introducing another concept character Beth! She's the only surgeon in the Last Bastion ^^ That's all from me and I hope you enjoy this chapter ^^
Another 3 months since I've last uploaded.... It's extremely hard for me to find enough time and ideas to write a chapter out... And I've asked you all for forgiveness for way too many times. Again I don't know when I'll be able to post another one.... I'm still struggling with life. It's going to be harder for me to upload a chapter in the near future because I'm in my last year of high school. But as always I'll try to write something for you all ^^ Also I've encountered someone that wanted to write their own continuation of my story. I'm going to say it here. Please don't. Even though I rarely post, this story still have a special place in my heart and I don't want it to be ripped off from me. It already happened once and I don't want it to happen again. Anyways thank you so much for all your support and until the next update!! Sincerely, Ree
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