i rarely get involved in politics (the color of a person or their basic human rights should not even be considered political, period), but what’s happening right now affects me as it does millions others. i’m not black, but i’m a person of color. i don’t want to make this about myself, i don’t want to put my opinion where it neither needs it or deserves it.
but i want to make clear i stand and fight on the side of justice. and if you for whatever reason disagree, i don’t want you here. unfollow me, mute me, i don’t care. we still live in a world where people are considered criminals, thugs and addicts merely by the color of their skin, and that is not right. that is simply not okay, and we need to change that.
help any way you can. you don’t need to actively participate in protests or donate if you can’t or don’t have the means to. signing petitions and spreading the word is enough.