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Hey y'all :D
          Merry (late) Christmas<3
          These past few weeks have been so chaotic it's honestly fucked. So update on my little crush, I came to the realization that I'm just a hopeless romantic and I will fall for any dude with nice hair and a pretty face. Curly Fries was a HALLWAY CRUSH BRUH. I feel like a stalker for liking him cuz I ain't ever even talked to him. Anyways, I guess I'll share that I've liked this one guy since the beginning of the school year. He's in my science class, has a dirty blond mullet, and he's on the football /wrestling team:D AND he actually talks to me:DDD But he has a girlfriend, and when I first started liking him I didn't know that... So that's fun, but he goes through chicks as quick as Axl Rose, so maybe I'll get my chance one day. ON A MORE IMPORTANT NOTE: This Christmas was BOMB<3333  (links to the pictures/info)
          But yeahhhh, so I was able to get all my missing assignments done before the break, my aunt and cousin surprised us by driving out to my house from Texas for the holidays, so that was fun af. And tonight I was walking outside trying to get some cardio in, and I got the best idea for a NEW STORYYYY. I'll be trying to start that, but I don't really have much time ever to write. So it may sit there for weeks at a time without updates, but I'll try to do as best as I can to update regularly. HAVE A WONDERFUL LIFE Y'ALL<33333


So anyway, if y'all have any sort of relationship advice, I'd love to hear it cause I've been a single bitch my whole life... 


@Yours_truly_Jay Okay, thank y'all smmm, I'll make sure to update more, I may even see him at our high school football game tmr night *insert praying hands emojiii*


@__ch3rry_b0mb__  i am said person in previous reply :D I pretty much agree with what my bestie said, but ill also add, that if you want to ever like get something off your chest to do it asap because it'll make it a lot less painful in the end


@__ch3rry_b0mb__ 1. BE FAITHFULLLLL!!! i made that mistake twice and ill never do it again. it does come back to bite you in the ass and you can’t hide it. 
            2. communication is key!!
            3. balance time between your friends and them (this one got me broken up with too)
            if i think of more i’ll put them-
            @Yours_truly_Jay is my relationship coach, maybe ask her some too!!


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So one by one, all the boys there start noticing his shrieking and pointing, and they all turn and look at me trying to hide behind my friends. They all start freaking out and shaking Curly Fries' shoulders goin "Oohh, you got a crushhh" THEN THEY ALL TRY FUCKING WALKING OVER. MY DUMBASS FRIENDS ARE EITHER TRYING TO DRAG ME TOWARDS THEM, OR AWAY FROM THEM. I know I looked like a damn idiot. Now almost the whole football team knows, which is sooo great. Eventually we had to go inside, and I haven't had another prolonged moment of contact with him until tonight. We go to the same church on Wednesday nights, and so I saw him there. I dress differently there than I do at school. I wear shorts, or leggings, etc. Stuff that's against the school dress code that make me look fine af. So I was walking out of a building tonight after saying bye to my friend. But on my way out, in the reflection of the glass windows ahead of me, at the far back corner of the room, (and the building is BIG, so it's pretty far away, but I could still see 'em) I see about 6 of the boys from the football team turn to me as soon as I turn my back. (They're regulars there, same with me.) I see them talking into his ear, and pointing over towards me. I turn around to look at them, and as soon as I do, they all look away except for one. Let's call him W. He looks at me for a bit longer, til I walk out the door. Now, since it's dark outside and light inside, and practically this whole side of the wall is made of glass, I can see them at the other side well but they can't see me too good. So as soon as I walked out I saw W say something else to Curly Fries. And I was tweakin, like oml what were they saying? Cause they all know I like him. They tease me about it anytime I see them. (Nice teasing though, ofc.) But like BRUH. WHAT IF? WHAT IF ANYTHING? UGHHH PRAY FOR ME Y'ALL, I WON'T BE SEEING HIM FOR ANOTHER 4 DAYS THOUGH CAUSE WE HAVE A 4 DAY WEEKEND❤❤❤


          So I got out of 1st quarter with all A's and 2 B's :D
          I'm honestly shocked about that. But onto the drama... 
          So since that one kid that we called J, found out I liked Curly Fries, (read the other parts, the code names are so stupid) he is literally screaming it out to everyone. I'm not even exaggerating, I mean SCREAMING it out to everyone. If he sees me in the hallway, he looks me in the eye, takes a deep breath, and shrieks it at the top of his lungs. He did that at the end of the day today. Y'know when the day ends and everyone's packed into the hallways like sardines in a tin can? Well it was just like that. Except at our school, the hallways go so damn far it's unbelievable. Not even kidding, you can barely even stand in place without getting trampled. So of course that was the perfect opportunity for him to yell that, the loudest he ever had before. My friends came darting from other hallways with shocked looks on their faces going, "Oh my god dude, I heard that from the end of that hall!!" And also, what makes things worse, is that Curly Fries knows now. He knows everything. It sucks, at our school we don't have recess or a break time during the day. They only sometimes let us out on Fridays. So last Friday they let us out, and I was chillin with a couple kids from my friend group. All the popular football boys were in their own group, probably like 20 of them, not even kidding. (Including Curly Fries.) So J comes out there and sees our two groups like, maybe 10 yards from each other. He runs between us and starts screaming the forbidden words. "SHE LIKES CURLY FRIES, SHE LIKES HIM SHE LIKES HIMMM" (Of course he's actually saying his real name though.) I'll continue in a part two


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          Here's the thing;
          I don't want Curly Fries to find out I like him, but at the same time I do. I also know I don't have a shot with him, and never will. He's popular, plays football, he has a perfect face, I bet all the other popular pretty girls have crushes on him, and then there's me. He would NEVERRRR go for my crusty ass. I'm not popular, he literally doesn't even know I exist, I'm not pretty, he probably hates my style and my face, and idk what to do cause I can't stop thinking about him. And now J's gonna tell him I like him, and he's gonna think I'm weirder than I already am, and it's gonna ruin those chances even more. But also, I never get the chance to see him besides at Wednesday night church, and in the hallways. We don't have any shared classes, and all our classes are on seperate sides of the school. So dating would just be pretty odd, since we never see each other. I'm literally going crazy, he's so cute, he seems so funny and sweet, but I've literally never even said a word to him, and he's never said a word to me. I'm not used to this public school romantic dating shit, so idk how I'm gonna hold my feelings down when it comes to forgetting this gorgeous lil bitch. Sorry for the dictionary worth of paragraphs, I had to tell someone who wouldn't snitch on me❤ What are your guy's thoughts on all of this, what should I do when he finds out?


@random_metalhead2 Thank you so muchhh, I appreciate it❤


@__ch3rry_b0mb__ well I hope he talks to you and is like „I like you too“ :) 


@random_metalhead2 So basically more and more people are finding out, like other kids who play football with him. But he hasn't talked to me yet, and idk if he knows. I want him to but at the same time I really don't, but ya I'm going crazy ❤❤❤


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          So I say yeah, I do kinda like someone. Then J starts PESTERING ME ABOUT IT, AND DOESN'T STOP. He's the class clown of the school. Everyone knows him. He's funny, he'll do stupid shit no matter what the consequences are, he just doesn't care. So I give the basic hints to just the kids at my table, who are J, C, and another we'll call A. (All guys btw.) The hints being, he's on the other 8th grade team, (our school splits the 8th graders and 7th graders in half, I covered it all a few days ago in a different post, you can read that one to make some sense of this.) he has dark brown curly hair, his first name starts with J, last name starts with A, and he's #21 on the football team. They're all passing ideas around, (C already knows btw, I tell him everything) til A gets it right and guesses it. J, who SWORE he wouldn't tell anyone if he found out, turns around to the table if popular football boys behind us and goes: "HEY GUYS GUESS WHAT???? ABBY LIKES *CURLY FRIES*" (not gonna actually say his name) Lucky they literally didn't even care, but I was LIVID. I KNEW I shouldn't have trusted him, but I still let my fat mouth run. And now, he's telling everyone he sees. I tried talking to him about it before we left, but he had detention, so I followed him into the cafeteria to try and convince him not to tell anyone else. That doesn't work, and so he runs into the cafeteria, and screams those life ruining words again, and it echoes out into the halls and every where else. (I'll do a part 3, sorry for all of this but I literally can't stop thinking about it.) 


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So, a recent update of my public school downfall...
          One of my friends, let's call him J, found out the guy I like, who we will call Curly Fries, since that's the code name my friends gave him. We were in this little 30 minute class, called W.I.N. time. (It stands for "What I Need," it's basically where teachers select students who have missing work in their classes in bring them in for 30 minutes before their last class everyday to work on their missing work. If you don't have missing work, you'll go to a "choice room" which is a class like P.E., the music room, etc, classes that don't have much going on and you'll just play games n shit, that's pretty much our recess during the day. For instance, if you get picked by your Math teacher, you'll be in her room for 30 minutes every day for a week, and the next week you'll be picked my someone else. I hope this makes sense, my school's retarded<3) So anywayyy, I had math class during this time, so there was only about 12 kids in that class. I was sitting at a table with 3 of my other friends, and idk how it got brought up, but they found out I've never dated anyone before. J suggested I should date my friend (who we'll call C) who was at that table with us. I'm such good friends with C, everyone thinks we're dating but we're not, he's actually dating someone else. So when we tell J that, he asks if I like anyone in general. (I'll make a part 2)