
You're the right person in a wrong time.


Who knew after these few years we'd coincidentally met. You look really happy with your husband, and I wish you'll be successful in delivering your baby. Congratulations to both of you. 


@__error eh taklah wak. Sekali je terjumpa then tak jumpa langsung dah.


@ __error  so author jmpa dia hari2 lh klu camtu?


@miracle_cara Yeap. Kebetulan dia stay dekat tempat saya kerja. 


After a certain age kan, kita just nak relationship yang tenang dan menggembirakan. Banyak hal lain yang memenatkan dan stressful: sara hidup, taxes, work, family. You don’t need high-school relationship “love-me-love-me-not” drama. You want a life partner. A home. Dermaga untuk berlabuh.