this message may be offensive
I'm so dissatisfied with my writing, I feel like everything I write is just terrible and no matter what I do it just sucks. I don't like the fact that literally barely any reads my story. I hate that I'm being so selfish over something like a story but to he honest I would just like people to enjoy what I write. I'm so so so sorry if I sound like a terrible person but I'm just scared that my effort will go to waste. I've never been this committed to a story before but I just love this like it's my child and I don't want to see it hurt. Please if any enjoy please share it with their friends. I'm sorry If I sound like a self-centered asshole. I write this story for myself and for those who support me so thank you to you guys. I love you all ❤❤ -Love Snails~

@RedRoses4UWU I don't give up easily but in the past I would delete my stories but only cause I thought they were bad. I've learnt from my mistakes and I won't give up on this story no matter how bad I want to. ❤❤