
hi, it’s me after what seems like forever
          	just wanted to inform you guys a little bit that for the upcoming chapters i already have ideas set up in my head and is starting to write again little by little
          	though still, i don’t think i’ll manage to finished it any sooner, maybe it’s just a really bad writers block (if i remembered correctly that’s what it’s called). but i’ll always try my best for you to not wait that long so i really hope you guys don’t hate me that much hahaha
          	yea enough of that, how are you guys doing ? i hope all of you are doing just fine both mentally and physically <3
          	ok, that’s basically it. i hope you guys aren’t that dissapointed in me and don’t hate me that much hehe
          	hope you all have a good day or night or whatever time it is in your place 
          	alos hope that you’ll still support me for this book (unexpected) and my possible future works
          	love you all, giving all of you lots and lots of virtual hugs 


But I mean it really (◍•ᴗ•◍)


Sorry I'm kinda cringe-


@__monomono__  oh noo....issok author like I said we will wait how ever long u want us to :) and we are happy to have you back!!! And WE (I) DONT HATE U !!! N I WILL SUPPORT U FOREVER N EVER ❤️


hi, it’s me after what seems like forever
          just wanted to inform you guys a little bit that for the upcoming chapters i already have ideas set up in my head and is starting to write again little by little
          though still, i don’t think i’ll manage to finished it any sooner, maybe it’s just a really bad writers block (if i remembered correctly that’s what it’s called). but i’ll always try my best for you to not wait that long so i really hope you guys don’t hate me that much hahaha
          yea enough of that, how are you guys doing ? i hope all of you are doing just fine both mentally and physically <3
          ok, that’s basically it. i hope you guys aren’t that dissapointed in me and don’t hate me that much hehe
          hope you all have a good day or night or whatever time it is in your place 
          alos hope that you’ll still support me for this book (unexpected) and my possible future works
          love you all, giving all of you lots and lots of virtual hugs 


But I mean it really (◍•ᴗ•◍)


Sorry I'm kinda cringe-


@__monomono__  oh noo....issok author like I said we will wait how ever long u want us to :) and we are happy to have you back!!! And WE (I) DONT HATE U !!! N I WILL SUPPORT U FOREVER N EVER ❤️


hi everyone !
          i just want to explain once again why i have been taking so long to update my story (unexpected) 
          that is because, i have been really stuck and out of ideas on how to continue the story like i really don’t know what i’m going to write for the story anymore
          tha latest chapter that i’ve uploaded (chapter 18) was probably the last bit of idea that still makes sense and connects to teh story, the other random ideas i have i just don’t knwo how to connect all of them and i think it’ll take me a while to figure them out
          though i don’t think i’ll discontinued the story or anything i just think that it’ll be on pause for a few days or as long as it can possibly be until i figured out how to continue the story
          and maybe, just maybe, when i’m still thinking about how to continue the soonwoo fanfic i’ll be uploading another fanfic about a different couple which is probably going to be gyuhoon since i’ve been wanting to write a fanfic abt them for quiet a while now but this is just a plan so i won’t be making any promises
          but with that being said, i wanted to say sorry and i just hope that you guys will understand my situation
          love you guys, byee 


@__monomono__  please don't be sorry author !!! And please feel free to take your time !! We will wait for it how much ever u want to and YAY new book!!! All the best author!! I hope u have a good day!! 