
Thanks! Love your story'sxx should think of something soon with all this spare time... 
          	I hope someday I'll get as many followers as you lol :3


@__smellycat__ I don’t have that many followers lol but you’ll get there eventually, just have patience you can do it x


I'm going to stop trying and failing to write my story's and get veiws..  I guess everyone's rrly interested in ships but I can't even do that as the only ones I do ship are dead  I've had a writer's block oop. I am trying to think of ideas for the ship I have in mind but all the ones I've read are really similar ..  Stay safe x


@__smellycat__ don’t give up, you may have writers block right now but I’ve had the same for the past few weeks and I’ve finally gotten around to updating stuff, look Here’s what imma do, imma give u a shout out in my book in hope that people will come and read yours, don’t think yours isn’t great because honestly it is!! Xx