
Hey everyone,
          	So this is something that I have decided after thinking a lot, I'll make Tainted Body a standalone story and drop down the idea of the other two books. Instead, I'll be starting a new series Indian Version or maybe a standalone, I still ain't confirmed about that. But for now I'll be writing Tainted body and another new book is coming soon.  


Hey there sorry for disturbing.
          I am Jane and currently hosting an award show, I read your work and found it amazing so could it be possible if you could be a judge for any category you prefer in the award show ? I would be really grateful. 
          Thank you. 


Hi, author! I'm very sorry for plugging in.
          Hello! It's me, Jane. I am a new writer and I'm currently writing Officially Yours, still ongoing and has 9 chaps already. Please give it a try. I assure you that reading Officially Yours is worth your time. Thank you.
          Read and give Officially Yours votes. 
          (Wanna do V4V, author?)


@anehippsy Sure I would love to do that


Hey everyone,
          So this is something that I have decided after thinking a lot, I'll make Tainted Body a standalone story and drop down the idea of the other two books. Instead, I'll be starting a new series Indian Version or maybe a standalone, I still ain't confirmed about that. But for now I'll be writing Tainted body and another new book is coming soon.  


Hello everyone,
          Aadhya has recently posted message in my account announcement board. The message says she will not host the awards anymore but if I wish I can continue. You all can check the message in my profile. I don't know if she has replied to anyone of you or not but people can be really audacious. She literally posted a message and vanished off again without an apology or any information. I really don't know what to do and I am kind of feeling confused. 
          What should I do?? I want your opinions....


@_aishimyy_ Of course! You're very welcome. And aww, thank you, that's super sweet. ❤️


It doesn’t really matter. The choice is yours to make. If you feel comfortable continuing then go for it and if not then it’s still ok