very sorry to tell you all this but i plan on ending my own life within the next 2 weeks so if you never hear from me again that’s why. if you do then i failed. i know everyone was counting on me to continue my books and i am very sorry to disappoint but i cant take this suffering anymore, i hope you understand. sorry again -sydney

@_amethyst_trash_ don't do it if you do it you won't be able to do the things you love, the people who are in your life will live in misery and they might even try to do the same thing you did please reconsider ending your life, it's not worth it...

@_amethyst_trash_ please don't, no one is disappointed. I promise you it will get beter, it always does. We're all extremely proud of you for continuing on even with all of the suffering

Dude don't be fuckin stupid. There are some people in the world who are proud of you but life can be hard sometimes but you never know if it will get better in the future. don't do it, no one here is disappointed in you. You're doing a great job with all of that suffering. Ending your life won't put an end to most things. Please don't do it, Sydney. There are people who loves you. <3