
ahhhh thank you for 200 reads on the truth untold!!!!! i love you guys thank you so much for the support!!!!


SORRY THE NEXT CHAPTER FOR CHARMLESS MAN IS TAKING SOOOOOO LONGGGG! ive been very busy with online school that i havent gotten the time to work on it much. i havent got much of the chapter left to write, so it should be up soon, but i wanted to apologize for making you guys wait so long.
          love you -


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Ok, so I know I SUCK at updating my book, but please make sure to vote. Though I suck at commiting to the book, it does take a lot of thought and (obviously) a lot of time to do every chapter. I would just appreciate if you guys helped give my book some more attention. I also want to mention HOW GRATEFUL I AM! In all honesty, I was going to originally keep the book to myself until my friend read it and told me I should publish it. So I did, and people apparently ended up liking it. IT NOW HAS OVER 1000 READS LIKE, HOW?!?!?!? Anyways, I'm gonna go to homework now.
          Love you all,