
// tbh i've been getting very burnt out from rp-ing, as some of you guys might have been able to tell :') changing the character did not help lmao. i've honestly been thinking about deleting this account and just using my regular account if i ever do wanna rp in the future. i'll give you guys a heads up if i do decide to delete this account but for now just kind of consider this a semi-hiatus- i'll still try to respond to rps but don't expect it to be very often, sorry //


// tbh i've been getting very burnt out from rp-ing, as some of you guys might have been able to tell :') changing the character did not help lmao. i've honestly been thinking about deleting this account and just using my regular account if i ever do wanna rp in the future. i'll give you guys a heads up if i do decide to delete this account but for now just kind of consider this a semi-hiatus- i'll still try to respond to rps but don't expect it to be very often, sorry //


//OC time! I love her!
          She quietly strolled through the cold, grey streets of Bucharest. 
          It's nearing the second half of the second world war. It's going excellently. 
          The treaty with Romania has been betrayed and instead, the Wehrmacht occupied it. 
          And Lana, East Prussia, was now making sure, everything is going after plan.
          She had been travelling a lot, mostly in the east. She even had the chance to meet her dearest stepbrother, Prussia. A bittersweet family reunion. 
          Honestly..what got her into Romania wasn't necessary the defense of the new territory. 
          More likely, she's interested in its personification. Lana typically never met any other nations. She knows a few, but none of the Balkan. 
          She heard stories tho. Vampires, and evil spirits. Of course, she never would admit that she believes, it would cost her trust.
          But, she always keeps an inner eye open for vampires. Or 'strigoi' in Romania. 
          She had all kind of versions of Romania in her head. 
          Is he humanoid? Is he an evil spirit? Is he out for blood? Does he sympathise? Probably not. 
          All her pictures of Romania usually led to a bloody, savage beast in front of the moon. 
          After all, she is capable of magic like Norway and England. So why shouldnt a representative be not humanoid? 
          I mean..in her opinion does Prussia strive really close to being not humanoid. 
          But apparently Germany sees it otherwise and built an invisible wall between them. 
          Oh one day-. 
          Her thoughts were broken off. In the far, there stood a man. His presence disturbed the rather still and frightened aura. 
          Lana sensed magic. Deeply working, but visible. She walked up to him, ready to kill him if she has to. She has done it before. 


            'Of course... so... how is it like in Romania? It is likely differeny towards East Prussia.'


@Prussia___Romania “Ah,” Vlad replied, noticing the pause before she said ‘Beilschmidt.’ “And you can just call me Vlad, by the way,” they added, giving a small smile. 


            She smiled lightly. 
            'Keeping care nothing goes out of line.'
            She quietly motioned towards he dark uniform. She likes talking in gestures. 
            'I am part of the Schutzstaffel. And now I'm here and look that nobody steps out of line. I've moved from Poland to here. Im not sure why. But that's my orders. 
            I like it here tho, so... I'd not necessary want to go away. It's better than stayimg with my failure of a halfbrother.' 
            She quickly reminded something. Just etiquette. But eventually, Romania should know what her name is. 
            'I'm representing East Prussia. My name is Lana... Beilschmidt.'
            She needed a German name. She hates it. She hates Prussua. And she wants her old one back. But thats not Germanic.


//Do you know Bloodborne. 
          If you do:
          Romania in Bloodborne just best


@Prussia___Romania // ooo i just looked it up- it looks really interesting!! and i can totally see that- //