
Happy New Year!


@wakemeupsoon Ooh thank you so much~! I have been pretty inactive on Wattpad because there’s a ton of schoolwork to catch up on, so it is pretty surprising to know that people do continue to read my works. However, I will make an effort to update soon, and I do hope you’ll stay posted for that. Again, thank you so much for taking a look around on my profile, and I hope you have a wonderful day too! :)


Happy New Year!


@wakemeupsoon Ooh thank you so much~! I have been pretty inactive on Wattpad because there’s a ton of schoolwork to catch up on, so it is pretty surprising to know that people do continue to read my works. However, I will make an effort to update soon, and I do hope you’ll stay posted for that. Again, thank you so much for taking a look around on my profile, and I hope you have a wonderful day too! :)


Happy New Year~!


@Tori_Shisora A Happy New Year to you too!