
psst... guess what...
          	i made a discord


I'll be posting this on all my books (that are Aphmau related) so if you've already read this somewhere, feel free to not have to read this again.
          Today I'd like to explain exactly what is going to happen to this profile.
          Whether you've wondered or stopped caring, I haven't been on this profile for multiple reasons.
          One: I tend to spend a majority of my time on my second account; @averagegeek_
          Two: I don't have internet besides from when the weekends sometimes on weeknights.
          Three: I grew out of Jess' Minecraft roleplays.
          I feel like this account has just been a place for Aphmau fans. And I still watch Jess but I just grew out of her Minecraft roleplays (ex: mystreet, heart point, etc). Not gonna lie, if she ever did start MCD again, I'd probably watch that but trying to sit there and watch any other rp series of hers, it feels more like a chore than it being enjoyable.
          That being said, I will finish books and book series that I've started on here, but that is it. I may do one-shots every now and then just because I still enjoy the fandom and such, but I have to move on with my life.
          If you enjoy any of the following fandoms down below, you may enjoy my second account;
          Detroit: Become Human
          Harry Potter
          The Breakfast Club
          And more but not that I can think of at the moment. These are things I'm specifically writing over there.
          Thank you for three really cool years on this profile \(OwO)/


Anyone want to rp?? (╥_╥)


I envy people that have cute styles.. Like who you do that?! ಥ_ಥ


            XD lowkey hope we can become great friends 
            //cause disney knows I need more of those-


            I also gave you a follow cause you also seem cool :3


            Lol you seem cool XD I'm gonna follow you now




@Xx-lost-girl-xX xD Sorry, I forgot why I posted that.