
Hi! It has been a while since I've posted on here. Sorry. I am currently taking a creative writing class and I wanted to share some of my writing exercises and assignments with anyone who cares to read them. I'll be posting on here weekly again. 


Hey! Saw your comment on youtube and commented for you to follow me and I'll follow bsck because i know the struggle here about knowing you worked hard for a story and not getting much traffic on it. I came on your profile, read your 'about' and girl I can relate. Definitely gonna read one of your stories, one thing is i dont like curse words, other readers might so i will five the other stpries a try befpre i come acrpsd the one with the curse words. But there is this one story I'm ready to read! Btw we literally tryna find our purpose in life, Im 21, making 22 this Saturday! Lets be friends tell me more about you. (If you want). I aldo have a friend name Ayanna and she is making birthday this Sunday. Are you apart of the August babies too?


@Mooksie22 haha yayy ok greatt! A Monday morning filled with smiless from both endss. Haha I won't run, the fact that you replied for us to chat on direct message is so awesome. Yall Gemini's are something else, my mom is one and because of her my patience is at a decent level. But yes, lets chat more. Do you have whatsapp?


@Mooksie22 Good morning Mookie! Omg I just woke up and notifications I've received from you already has me smiling. Thank you so much for the follow and for taking time to actually read some of my writing. I really do appreciate it! I just finished reading your profile bio and I can already tell you're articulate by the way you worded everything. I'm looking forward to reading your stories! And ahhh I curse a lot in my writing so you won't like that aspect of it :( Finding our life's purpose is so hard, sometimes discouraging yet exciting. Happy Birthday Leo Queen!! And nope. I'm a gemini lol. (Hopefully that doesn't make you run for the hills since everyone seems to hate us -.-) But YESSS let's be friends!! I love meeting new people with similar creative interest! Let's continue this conversation through direct message love. 