
I know it has been awhile since I've updated and I will be continuing the stories. They are on hiatus while i write this original for an author's contest. If you would do me a favor and read the story as i write it i would appreciated. As always critic is welcome as long as it's to help improve the story.


I know it has been awhile since I've updated and I will be continuing the stories. They are on hiatus while i write this original for an author's contest. If you would do me a favor and read the story as i write it i would appreciated. As always critic is welcome as long as it's to help improve the story.


Please continue and update True Mates story!!!! Its the best....I'm Dieing to read what happens next. Cant wait for her to change, will she have different powers, like copy? Will Alice and Edward try to get them back? Send a newborn Army? What about her friendship with Jane??? Will Rose and Emmett bear miss them and join due to bored ness and Carlisle come too with Esme because he misses his kids??? Oh update soon cant wait for Aro and Jaspers turn. Bound to be romamtic spicy and Hotness!!!! Update soon oh what if Alice tries to befriend the enemy coven to take over the Vult????