
So. Um. It's like midnight here right now and I wrote a completed super short story and just published it. If you want to check it.. That's be great! I hope you enjoy it. I need my sleep now. Thank you! :)


That'll* you can tell that I need my sleep lol. 


Just unpublished a few stories! Sorry if you were in the middle of reading them and is waiting for an update. I just haven't been motivated or inspired to write more recently, and am trying to find it by reading other stories at the moment. I would rather publish and update my story with 100% and not so I could say that I did. Quality over quantity. It kind of implies...? If you're looking for a good story, I do have a public reading list you can check out. Those are completed stories that I recommend. I'm sorry for the inconvenience, hopefully I can be back soon! Thanks!