♡ hiiii

tftf ~!


"I'm sorry" but you really have to hear this- Bc honestly your either in my way or by my side ,, choose wisely <3

this friday im leaving to take some time for myself ,, i just need to take some time for myself . i dont know when i'll be back ,, but please be patient <3 thank u.

Update is out ,, don't fantasize over me too much -blows kiss-

Okay ,, considering my bestie give me like 10 more questions!! im feeling generous and willing to do a whole new chapter ,, just checking does anyone have any more questions for me? also- my bottom lip hurts -pouts- whos gonna kiss it better?

ask questions ,, i want you all to get to know me better <3

@_brooke- just saw this so sorry bestie <3 1. Favourite quote? 2. Aim in life? 3. Best friend?- 4. Eye colour? 5. 3 things that make you happy? 6. Future career? 7. Favourite subject? 8. Biggest fear? 9. Top 3 movies you love? 10. Favourite type of ice cream? That's about it- I'll add more if I think of anyyy Love ya bestie @_brooke-

@-B00MBITCH good good tyty