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Hey guys I was tagged by @buchonian to do the Halloween tag that's been making it's way around so here we go: 1. If you could transform into any kind of animal, what would it be? Tiger. They're my favorite animal ever and hella badass 2. One place you would never want to get lost in the dark? My biggest fear is of the dark so literally anywhere would make me shit myself but I've I had to pick one place it'd be in a underground cave. 3. Are you claustrophobic? It depends on the situation but most of the time no. 4. One thing that always creeps you out? Ghost stories, I went on a lot of camps when I was younger and I wouldn't sleep at all on the nights that ghost stories were told. 5. Biggest fear? Well I already said the dark but I'm also terrified of heights, I'm so generic. 6. Ideal way to die? In my sleep. 7. Any scars? A couple but they aren't really obvious. 8. Fav scary movie? I absolutely hate scary movies, I'm fine watching them but when I go to bed afterwards my overactive imagination kicks in and I think I'm going to die. I watched like half of Don't Blink the other day and I guess it was good? 9. Easiest way to scare you? Jump scares. My dad always does this when I'm watching tv shows and he always knows the perfect time to scare me, he loves doing it during PLL and Vampire Diaries haha. 10. Last nightmare? I have a reoccurring nightmare that my whole family is trapped inside a mansion and all of them are being killed off one by one and then just before I die I wake up. It's scary as hell. 11. What are you going as for Halloween? We don't celebrate Halloween in New Zealand but I was going to go to a party dressed as a twisted fairy or a hufflepuff student. 12. Do you believe in the supernatural? I'm not sure, I think I believe some things are real and somethings aren't. So now I'm supposed to tag people but pretty much everyone I know has already been tagged except @elephantfiles so I tag her and any of you guys that wants to do it