
Sometimes i’ll drift off to three months ago at the venice festival when i ended up alone with drew starkly for one whole minute and even if he said only three words i still feel like i have won in life. We were literally standing one in front of the other, how does someone moves forward from this?


Please update the Sonic one soon! I need the third movie!!!! Your fic is so gooooooood!!!!!!!


@CureStarlight alright sooo, of course i’ll explain better everything but she was never prisoner of the echidnas but instead of this other species (which we don’t know what they are bc they cover their faces with skulls) and yeah, she was a prisoner. knuckles wouldn’t actually call it “torturing her” he was just angry for what happened to his father and he did all he could to make him proud! i don’t know if you already finished reading everything or if you are still in between but as you can see as the story goes on i try to add some new informations here and there. also yes, i’ll absolutely write the third movie <33 lots of love hope my response was clear :)


@Fandom_goddess05  babyyy i promise im working on the next chapter, but i’m having a little of a writer block (that’s why i tried to write other things too) i promise i’ll try to unload something as soon as i can! thank you for your love and support ti the story <33


I got a question for ur sonic book what happen to (name) when she was with the echidnas was she a prisoner there at some point I seen how Knuckles would torture her during his sparring fight I like to see more of her childhood scene I hope u write movie 3 after this 


Sometimes i’ll drift off to three months ago at the venice festival when i ended up alone with drew starkly for one whole minute and even if he said only three words i still feel like i have won in life. We were literally standing one in front of the other, how does someone moves forward from this?