
I miss being sixteen and having a legitimate excuse to suck at writing. 
          	But anyways, I posted some poetry. It's a mess but I posted something. My anxiety is beating me into the ground right now. I am trying not to care.
          	This is me not caring.
          	(I am totally caring.)


I miss being sixteen and having a legitimate excuse to suck at writing. 
          But anyways, I posted some poetry. It's a mess but I posted something. My anxiety is beating me into the ground right now. I am trying not to care.
          This is me not caring.
          (I am totally caring.)


IM SO HAPPY YOU'RE BACK I USED TO FOLLOW YOU BACK IN THE DAY (well long time ago u dont know me but i used to read yr stuff BUT ANYWAY) HAPPY YOU'RE WRITING AGAIN AND I HOPE THINGS ARE GOING WELL have a good day!! (-:


Ahh I'm so sorry for getting back late. It's been a while since I've been on Wattpad and I'm still a little rusty getting around. I just found the notifications and saw this and YOU MADE MY DAY. I can't believe you remember me! Also, thank you for voting on my poetry and adding it. :)


@vanillaquartz I've been going through some things and completely lost my motivation for everything. I've begun outlining a novel to do camp nanowrimo in July though, so hopefully you'll be seeing something around then! I'm also working on short stories, but the poetry bug hasn't hit me in a really long time. I might pick it up after I finish a novel, but right now I've got zero inspiration to write any.


So I'm not back, but I just came here to ask you guys to check out these sites and sign the petition. It's to stop aerial shooting of wolves in Idaho. They're only doing it so that they have more elk to hunt. Its going to be a slaughter.
          Please sign the petitions and spread the word!