Good afternoon/night/morning/evening, my lovely chaotic little hearts!✨♥️
How are you all? I’m alive (somehow). Most of my exams are finally over—HALLELUJAH!!!! And the wedding madness? Yeah, that wrapped up last week too. No more running around like a headless chicken, no more forced smiles at relatives I don’t even know. Life is somewhat peaceful again.( ꈍᴗꈍ)
Now, I only have two more exams left(yes still!) on the 1st and 8th—so I technically have a lot of free time… or at least that’s what I’m convincing myself. Did I use this time to rest? Absolutely not. Instead, I wrote 'Die with a Smile' and made some videos because I have a chronic inability to sit still.(✿ ♡‿♡)
I know I kept you all waiting (please don’t throw chappals at me ( ・ั﹏・ั)), but THANK YOU for being so patient! I promise I’ll write as much as I can while still pretending to be a dedicated student. Will I succeed? Only God knows. Pray for me.→_→
Love you all! Stay tuned for more chaos, drama, and questionable life choices!( ꈍᴗꈍ)♥️