hello, wonderful person waiting for an after midnight update!
i know i promised to update After Midnight every monday but i couldn’t finish one today since college is literally and figuratively pulling the life out of me. *deeeeep sigh* and also because i spent the weekend learning how to drive so i didn’t really have time to write. it was either me attending to my readings or learning how to drive. there’s no in between.
however, i will do my best to update sometime this week to make amends for this monday. till then, feel free to leave a message if you have any suggestions on how doc thirdy’s going to ask his golden question (y’know, like where, when, how). i already kind of have this idea but since it’s still sort of blurry, i might incorporate your suggestions if you guys have any. it’s going to be fun!!
till the next update (which, i swear on my grave, will be this week)!!