
Calling all writers using Pinterest! To celebrate my birthday month, I'm hosting a Pinterest board contest on my blog with some pretty cool prizes, if I do say so myself. I'd love if you all would enter! Details here: http://fairyskeletons.blogspot.com/2015/07/a-very-pinteresting-birthday.html


Thanks for the votes on The Price! I'm still trying to find some time where I can read the update on OtMS! I really need to know what happens next, dangit! :P


@ViridianHues You're totally welcome! I'm loving the direction it's going in, and I'm rooting really hard for Nadia ;) Thanks! Of course, there's no rush—Chantilly and the gang will be here for you when you can stop by :D


Hello all! I've just posted my first update to On the Midnight Streets in quite a while; my apologies to those of you who've been waiting.
          (PS: Shoutout to the wonderfully kind and talented @ViridianHues because she's been leaving the most amazing comments <3)


@ViridianHues Of course! It's my pleasure. Thank YOU for your continued support :)


@wordshipwrecks Oh my gosh, yessssss! I cannot wait to sit down and enjoy a new chapter! *happy dance* And thank you for the shout out! I'm pretty much enamored with OtMS. ;P


Ahhhh, thanks so much for dedicating a chapter in On The Midnight Streets to me! *hug* Now I have to catch up super quick so that I can read my chapter pronto! :D


@ViridianHues You're very welcome! *hugs back* (And don't feel too obligated to catch up super quickly; there's kind of a lot! ;D)


Hello, everyone! The story I've just published is half of the first chapter of my ongoing novel-in-progress, ON THE MIDNIGHT STREETS. I'm also cross-posting this WIP on Figment.
          Updates will be intermittent—posted as I write the chapters—and will be comprised of half-chapters. I'd love to get feedback and critique from you all, and I'm excited to see the reception this gets!
          Thank you so much, and have a lovely rest of the week!