@mushwrts There was a boy named Len. A. Complete. Crack. Head. But the world's most loving person at the same time. He had a best friend named Daniel. Who was shorter than Len- But had the biggest heart ever. These two guys came to wattpad and goofed around, making random friends here and there. Until gradually, those friends started becoming each other's friends too. And that is how Len and Daniel, (of course, the golden boys), created a group named circus, where, to us, they are the main <3. Our group circus had many many members, but some important ones are Len (Cod liver oil), Daniel (Shorty), Purple, Mini (Door), Phoebe (Lizard/pheebs), Hiti (Interesting gurl), Khush (Bush/Bushy Bushy Ganza), Another Len (Gurl Len), Nafy (Mom), And our little cutie Purva (Gwen/Dwenn), and many many more loving people. We were very close. We made millions of memories together. Ans there was always someone online because we 15 to 20 people had 15 to 20 different time zones!! So there was never a time where it was quiet. We were always online! Wattpad was never dry. We were each other's greatest blessings. We are very much thankful to each other for all the amazing memories that we made. Two of such memories are up in the account. One is (The chaos of circus) and the other is (Daniel's birthday book). Those are just two glimpses of everything else we've been through. Okay I'm sorry I babbled too much- this is not enough to describe our bond :") maybe some other time I'll be able to say more.