I've been getting emails about comments on The Sharpest Lives (which makes me glad that I still have this account up) and first of all, THANK YOU. It's not the best thing I've ever written but I'm glad people still like it. Second, I've moved to AO3 (http://archiveofourown.org/users/scarrletmoon/pseuds/scarrletmoon) and FF.net (https://www.fanfiction.net/u/3866876/) and Tumblr (slumber-pumps.tumblr.com although it changes during the holiday season). If anything here is unfinished, it's never going to be finished. I'm really sorry. BUT I'm still writing stuff (mostly fan fic for anime fandoms) so if you ever want to check that out, you know where to find me. Bye everyone! It was cool being here for as long as I was.