
Hey everyone!! It's been a while, huh? I'm going to try and keep myself motivated to write (although recently it's been hard). Sorry this message isn't longer, but I think I just found some inspiration! See you soon!!


Part four of N.O.V.A. is now out!! I apologize for the hiatus, but I've been writing A LOT lately and am so excited to share the rest of this story with you. I also, as you've hopefully noticed, have published a new 13th Doctor fanfic! I've watched and read Neil Gaiman's 'Good Omens', and I'm getting so much inspiration from his style of writing. I love it! So, I'm trying to make mine a little bit like his! I hope you enjoy!!


⚠Chapter 13 of The Butcher is up!!⚠
          Hey guys! So sorry I haven't updated in a long time! As most of you probably already gathered, I've started watching Doctor Who!! And, as most people do when they watch, I fell down the hole and entirely switched fandoms!! But I have been updating The Butcher time after time, during school when I have free time, and such. Well, I still have no idea where this story will be going, but we'll see, I guess!! Also, just a footnote, there is DEFINITELY some June x Quali stuff up in this chapter so prepare yourselves!!


          Hi guys! Sorry I haven't been writing a lot! I've been really busy with school and stuff! I'm really excited for you guys to read this chapter! I used a different kind of technique for description this time, and it worked out great, I thought! Instead of just writing what was in my head, I drew it all on paper, then copied what I saw! It works REALLY well!! I suggest that you try it sometime, it really helped me out! Hope you enjoy this chapter! I'm already busy at work with the 13th!!


Hey! So, I was originally writing my story, The Butcher, on Google Docs, and I've been copying and pasting my work from Google Docs to Wattpad, and that's why I've been "writing" so fast! I am now all caught up (where I am currently writing now) It's obviously taken me a while to write the chapters, and so it'll take me longer to post because I'm developing the story as I go. I also have school and other things, so I might be updating maybe one or twice every other week. And if I don't, then I'll write A LOT so I can keep you guys updated! ~Ray of Sunshine