this message may be offensive
-Addictions... ⚠️TW: Mention of drugs/drug addictions⚠️ -A note from Onyx, "Hey, guys! So I haven't talked here in a while, I'd like to shortly announce that books are currently in the making, but this post is going to be like, completely out of character from my other posts on here." "I'm talking about addictions because I recently saw someone say 'You had the option to not do drugs in the first place, it's your fault that you have an addiction' and it fucking (excuse the harsh language, friends!) pissed me off." "Drugs normally are addictive and have addictive fucking chemicals in them (ex. nicotine) so addictions are very easily formed. And no, it's not the person who tried the drugs fault in the first place. You don't know why they first tried drugs or their life fucking story. Stop acting like they just decided 'oh fuck it, I guess I'll do drugs now'. Not every single person with an addiction is like that. Stop generalizing them you sick fucks." "There are many reasons why someone would try drugs in the first place, like peer pressure, and having to do it for a dare. That's why drug addictions are so fucking common amongst teens and young adults because they are pressured by their peers." "So stop being ignorant, and be more considerate of someone's situation. Drug addictions are serious and not a fucking joke, and they're not 'fun' either." "Thank you to whoever reads this. I hope you can agree or at least change your opinion." "Ser deg senere! (See you later!)" - ᴏɴʏx