
2015 was a good year. I wrote stories that I'm proud of, I fell in love (and got my heart broken), and have strengthened my friendship with my best friend. With all of that aside, though, 2015 was a year where I grew. Not only as a friend and a writer, but mostly a person. I want to say, from the bottom of my heart, thank you to everyone who has left a comment, or a vote, or even clicked on one of my stories within these 365 days. I appreciate each and everyone of you! 2016 will be a new year for me, a new beginning, and new (and better) stories. Happy New Year (slash new years eve) and may you have an amazing 2016!
          	~Much love, AJ


I honestly love your books. I can't even.....it's been so long and all of them, ALL OF THEM, deserves so much more recognition. They are all so underrated. They need more love because they are just that great. 


@AnneValerious nah they're great. Also, I'm surprised I even got a response I thought this was one of those old, forgotten dead profiles. But, like, old is gold and this page is the jackpot. 


I’m honestly surprised people are still reading them but I think it’s about time that I continue / revamp some of my stories. Thank you so much for reading!! :) 


2015 was a good year. I wrote stories that I'm proud of, I fell in love (and got my heart broken), and have strengthened my friendship with my best friend. With all of that aside, though, 2015 was a year where I grew. Not only as a friend and a writer, but mostly a person. I want to say, from the bottom of my heart, thank you to everyone who has left a comment, or a vote, or even clicked on one of my stories within these 365 days. I appreciate each and everyone of you! 2016 will be a new year for me, a new beginning, and new (and better) stories. Happy New Year (slash new years eve) and may you have an amazing 2016!
          ~Much love, AJ


Hi all! So, on my phone wattpad is telling me that Smile, You're On Camera is at 1k but this dumb computer is telling me that it's still at 999. Nevertheless, Smile, You're On Camera has had amazing success thanks to all you wonderful people who have chosen to read this story and vote and all that jazz. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! A million times thanks!!!