
Guys for those yang baca puteri hipster, areiy akan pub dkt new acc. Maaf sgt² for those yng minta followback or areiy ada tak follow sesapa lagi. I'm really sorry. Acc ni tak dapat dibuka because wattpad problem and habis semua emel and password hilang. Sori again ya. And one thing this is my new acc. So pada sesapa yg sudi skli lagi nk membaca puteri hipster leh singgah ye kat acc baru areiy. And utk story tu, areiy akan pub thn depan


Hai Akak Ariey!! Ni Peanut dari sq!! Hrp follow back 


Thank you unnie <3


@Peanutloversbutter hii syg..ok jap akk follow


Unnie ! Brys disini . Polobek ?


Followback areiy ni chae huhu ♥


@hipstaez- da follow yunkk