
Also, friendly reminder that if you say psycho and youre not psychotic, i fuckin hate you


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ALSO! Slut shaming! How about ye fuckin dont pls and thank. Cut the shit w the stereotype that every sex worker is a disease ridden "nymphom-niac". Cut the shit w the stereotype that all sex workers are only where theyre at bc daddy issues (i mean seriously, youre just making fun of child abuse like??). Cut the shit w calling sex workers "prostitutes" (derogatory, but not a slur), "wh-res"(slur), h--kers (unsure), and sluts (derogatory, not slur). Sex workers have it hard enough, considering they have a 45% to 75% chance of being sexually assaulted, and 1 in 500 arr killed on the job. Rant over.


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Fun fact: the reason "f-gg-t" is used against mlm is bc in i believe the early 1900's they would fucking kill mlm, roll them up in rugs, and set them on fire,,,, making them look like cigarettes,, aka fxgs.


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The word "f-gg-t" is not reclaimable for all of the lgbtq community. It is ONLY for mlm (men loving men) because THEY are the ones who were specifically targeted with that slur. Asexuals? No. Lesbians? No. Straight boys? No. Only. Mlm. If you continue saying it and you are not an mlm, you are fucking dead to me.


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This shouldnt need to be said but like,,, incestuous relationships are fucking abuse?? In most cases its an older stronger sibling taking advantage of another one+ like,,, why do yall feel the need to hypersexualize healthy sibling relationships??


Bonus: again, if you say triggered, did you just assume my gender, fetishize certain races, or treat gay men and lesbians as more or less than people,, youre deadcto me!! Also, if you support trump,, youre dead to me! Hey fun fact,, if support anyone who supports trump,, youre dead to me! I dont want anyone who supports someone who funds a program to eLECTROCUTE THE GAY OUTTA PEOPLE, to EVER interact with me. "But obamacare sux!!!1!1!!" hOW ABOUT YOU EAT MY ENTIRE ASS HELEN. "But my favorite book says gays r bad >:(" WELL MINE SAYS GREEK GODS ARE REAL SO EAT A SAGUARO CHAD. rant over.