
...and before opening the message I choose the song to which I'll have yet another heartbreak


You were my Icarus


“Icaro. Icaro stava per scottarsi; era troppo vicino al sole. Icaro volava, era libero, si sentiva felice, alto nel cielo, ma era incredibilmente vicino a qualcosa che l’avrebbe distrutto. Sarebbe stato più incolume, al sicuro più vicino alla terra, al solido, soffice sicuro terreno, più vicino a me. Ma Icaro era come il soffione di un dente di leone, e si librò dunque attraverso la brezza bisestile, staccandosi dal suo sottile gambo sbilenco in mille stelline volteggianti e raggiungendo le sue sorelle gassose nello scuro cuore dell’Universo.”


Still runnin', runnin' away...


            Anonymously I told you my verses
            and you said
            ''who's writing poetry in my NGL?
            reveal yourself,,


Oh, when there's nothing to understand...
            Knowing someone can be hella hard,
            but the way you can read and look into people...
            just better than a book,
            more like a mirror, I'd say.


It just feels too much (I truly miss you)


Oh here we go again, is this yet another torment I placed myself into because I am not able to accept the stability of an actual potential happy situation...? Am I letting my minds run too far from the real source of the matter again, finding at all costs a reason that leads to the fact that in the end I always make mistakes and never I can be enought to someone or approach them in the right way, without hurting both of us and making them detach from me...?
          Oh, I understand you hurt by getting attached, I do, too, but I feel like I hurt you in some way...why can I never get this right?